
Submission deadline: 13 December 2024

Kiem Award
The KNVM/NVMM science committee makes the Kiem Awards available for the best first publications written by young microbiologists, whom are society members, are employed at a Dutch university or research institute, and are at the start of their microbiology career. Submissions are evaluated based on the quality of the candidate’s first publication, on condition that it has been published less than a year ago, in a peer-reviewed academic journal and that the candidate is the (shared) first author. The prizes, which were first awarded in 2000, are named Kiem, which is Dutch for ‘germ’ (germination). Every year during the KNVM/NVMM Scientific Spring Meeting up to three prizes are awarded, one each in the categories “general microbiology”, “medical microbiology”, or “environmental microbiology”. The jury consists of members of the KNVM/NVMM science committee. You can mail your submission to
Submissions contain

  • the article in question (as PDF)
  • A note of which category the thesis should be evaluated in (general microbiology /medical microbiology /environmental microbiology)
  • a complete publication list (including all co-authored publications, also of previous scientific work at a different institution) of the young scientist.

Westerdijk Award (proefschrift prijs)
The KNVM/NVMM science committee awards up to three prizes for the best PhD-thesis, one each in the categories “general microbiology”, “medical microbiology”, or “environmental microbiology”.
Candidates, who are active society members as for example indicated by membership and previous attendance of the Scientific Spring Meeting, should submit their PhD-thesis conducted at a Dutch university, on condition that it was defended less than a year before the deadline of this call. The prizes, which were first awarded in 2009, are named after Johanna Westerdijk. She was the first female professor in the Netherlands at the University of Utrecht in 1917. She was director of the phytopathology laboratory Willie Commelin Scholten and showed that elm disease (generally known as Dutch elm disease) was caused by the fungus Ceratocystis ulmi. The prizes are awarded annually during the KNVM/NVMM Scientific Spring Meeting. The jury consists of members of the KNVM/NVMM science committee. Please send your application to containing the following documents:

  • A PDF of the PhD thesis
  • A note of which category the thesis should be evaluated in (general microbiology /medical microbiology /environmental microbiology)
  • An overview of which chapters are published/under consideration in a scientific journal, and the journal’s name
  • Information on KNVM/NVMM membership and poster/oral presentations by the PhD student at NVMM/KNVM symposia and conferences during the PhD

Van Leeuwenhoek Award (postdoc prijs)
The KNVM/NVMM science committee offers the Van Leeuwenhoek Awards to young post-docs in microbiology (<5 years after obtaining a PhD degree) for the best publication as first, last and/or corresponding author published in the past year with that author listed as being a member of a Dutch university or research institute. The postdoc must be an active member of the KNVM/NVMM as evidenced by for example membership or previous presentations at KNVM/NVMM meetings. The Van Leeuwenhoek Awards were established to commemorate Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, known for his pioneering work in microscopy, who was the first to observe microorganisms and therefore became the ‘father of microbiology’. The prizes are annually awarded at the KNVM/NVMM Scientific Spring Meeting. The Jury consists of members of the KNVM/NVMM science committee. The prize is awarded in the three categories “general microbiology”, “medical microbiology”, or “environmental microbiology”. Please send your application to containing the following documents:

  • A PDF of the article
  • A note of which category the thesis should be evaluated in (general microbiology /medical microbiology /environmental microbiology)
  • Information on KNVM/NVMM membership and poster/oral presentations by the postdoc on NVMM/KNVM symposia and conferences in the last 5 years

PhD Thesis Fund
The KNVM/NVMM science committee provides financial support for publishing PhD-theses in the field of microbiology. Funding was initiated in 2009, and follows a “first come, first serve” principle. The PhD candidate must be an active member of the KNVM/NVMM as evidenced by for example membership or previous presentations at KNVM/NVMM meetings. Support is now available for all submitted theses for an award of € 250. Click here for the conditions.
​Submissions can be sent to

Submission deadline: 15 January 2025

Fanny Hesse Award
De KNVM reikt drie prijzen uit voor de beste HBO-bachelor scripties op het gebied van de microbiologie in de breedste zin van het woord. De kandidaten, studenten van Nederlandse hogescholen, worden gevraagd hun bachelor scriptie, die is beoordeeld in het voorgaande jaar, in te zenden met een korte aanbeveling van hun begeleider. De prijzen worden uitgereikt tijdens de BaMa-sessie van de Scientific Spring Meeting van de KNVM/NVMM. De jury bestaat uit leden van het KNVM-bestuur. Stuur je inzending naar (deadline 15 February 2025).

The KNVM awards three prizes for the best applied sciences bachelor’s theses in the field of microbiology, in the broadest sense. Candidates, who are students from Dutch universities of applied sciences, are invited to submit their bachelor’s thesis, which was assessed in the previous year, along with a brief recommendation from their supervisor. The prizes are awarded during the Bachelor-Master session of the KNVM/NVMM Scientific Spring Meeting. The jury consists of members of the KNVM board. Send your submission to (deadline 15 February 2025).

Mike Jetten Award (Master thesis prize)
The KNVM will award three prizes for the best master theses in the field of microbiology in the broadest sense. The candidates, students from Dutch universities, are encouraged to submit their master thesis with a short recommendation from their supervisor. The three prizes are awarded during the KNVM/NVMM Scientific Spring Meeting. The jury consists of members of the KNVM board. All Master theses graded in the calendar year preceding the Scientific Spring Meeting in which the prize will be awarded are eligible. Please send your submission before 15 January 2025 to:

Kluyver award
The KNVM board makes the Albert Kluyver award available to microbiologists (in any field, but currently employed at Dutch institutions) with an outstanding contribution to microbiology within eight years after obtaining their PhD (the NWO extension rules apply). This contribution may be a combination of scientific, educational, and/or (public) outreach achievements. The prize – awarded during the KNVM/NVMM Scientific Spring Meeting – has on average been awarded once every three years between 1963 and 2010, sponsored by DSM. As of 2024, the award will be on behalf of the KNVM and will be awarded once every year. The awardee will be asked to give a short presentation on their work at the KNVM/NVMM Scientific Spring Meeting and is expected to be(come) a member of the KNVM.
To nominate a candidate, please send a letter of support explaining why the candidate should be considered for this award and a CV or resumé of the candidate to, before 15 January 2025.